Aust & NZ

How Can The DealerPRO Business Intelligence & Accounting Module Improve Your Dealership?

Financial Controllers across the ASEAN region know the importance of leading their automotive dealerships through technology adoption. Accounting software and business intelligence are two technology areas that can have significant positive impact for the whole business.

Executive DealerPRO – A True Representation of Your Business

This Business Intelligence tool is a management portal designed to monitor and report on all relevant numbers for an automotive dealership. Current users in the Philippines find this Business Intelligence tool particularly useful because Executive DealerPRO offers a view of an automotive dealership on a macro level without intervention. Pentana Solutions understood industry needed a real time, accurate set of information that didn’t hinder users by making them create reports, so once you implement the tool you’re set to begin with a number of pre designed reports. And from day one managers can make decisions based on exception reporting.

Truly Measure & Improve Loyalty and Service Retention

Use Business Intelligence to easily understand a measurement of loyalty and service retention. Dealer Principals and senior management understand that it requires multiple and complex data chains to measure this data, and powerful analysis to arrive at one metric. With Executive DealerPRO on hand as your Business Intelligence tool the time savings are considerable because all this collection and analysis is done for you.
A leading Philippines based Pentana Solutions customer went about using this Business Intelligence data in a very powerful way. They understood that service customers were not returning after quite a small amount of visits, this prompted action in the marketing department in the form of letters and calls to help win back customers. The results have been very positive since and it’s something the dealership now makes a regular part of their business activity.
Managing customers in the first three years after vehicle purchase is a real opportunity for automotive dealerships. Locking in end customer loyalty will ensure that dealerships keep getting service business after three years of vehicle life where ROs margins are better as well.

DealerPRO – Accounting Software Designed For Automotive Dealers

Pentana Solutions understands that any accounting software package acts as the nervous system of an automotive business. This very fact was kept front and centre when designing DealerPRO’s accounting software because each part of the automotive business is quite different from the next. DealerPRO’s accounting system is fully integrated so each and every part of the operation can be viewed from the centre.

Benchmark Your Dealerships – Compare & Improve

It’s important for Dealer Principals and Financial Controllers to understand financials at a group and business by business level. However, this sort of analysis can take some time, enter DealerPRO’s accounting software. With just one click you can see your individual dealerships performing side by side and against a benchmark that you can set for yourself.
The key benefit here is that you can focus efforts on the dealership that needs most support because pinpointing what’s pulling overall performance down is very easy. This sort of accounting software information has given Pentana Solutions customers the ability to your take management of each dealership to the next level some take action in moving skill sets around, training and incentivising staff to achieve target/benchmark whilst others take more of a long term approach. All of these actions are made measurable however by the benchmarking functionality of DealerPRO’s accounting software.

Add On Modules for DealerPRO

SMSLink - DealerPRO

SMSLink is a fully integrated text messaging tool to enhance how you communicate with customers. Through this integration, there’s no longer a need to extract information to third party platforms to send a message.


Find out how to get this software implemented into your business.