Aust & NZ
3rd Sep 2014

Retail dealerships are unique work places where dealer principals need to bring together different business divisions to achieve shared goals.

To successfully accomplish this they must gain the cooperation of their key managers who are specialists in infinitely different areas. Providing each of these distinct managers with both a DMS and a Business Intelligence tool which support them in their roles and overall dealership success, is vitally important. It can also be rather challenging.

Pentana Solutions is not a generic ERP provider. Our focus is to provide the automotive industry with a specialised DMS. When developing an integrated Business Intelligence tool specifically for retail dealers, we considered the individual requests from our dealer clients’ senior management very seriously.

As you will know, different members of your dealership prefer information to be presented in dissimilar ways. The points below are some of the requests and comments from our clients we carefully considered when developing our Business Intelligence tool:

Financial Managers – Group level, daily view of ‘performance over objectives’; clear & concise tracking of debtors; time saved from having to import data from the DMS.

Parts Managers
– Less of information not needed with more depth displayed in a single home screen… drill down by part number, age or category.

Dealer Principals – An extensive range of information presented by a readily recognised traffic light schema with all data from each location in one place; performance against sales KPIs; clear insight into each business area in one home page covering marketing, showroom, warehouse to workshop et al…

Sales Managers – Highly visual trend based graphs and real-time displays on sales linked to monthly targets; insight to encourage competitiveness amongst sales people with comparative data; the ability to understand which marketing campaign worked are most effective.

After Sales Managers
– Traffic light gauges on the big four - efficiency, saturation, productivity & profitability with detailed tables on each for every repair order; an alert flag when service retention levels drop below a certain level.

At Pentana Solutions, we have endeavoured to embrace the requirements of all dealership personnel when creating DealerPRO’s embedded Business Intelligence tool. Our view is that Business Intelligence is so vital to the success of dealers in the fiercely competitive European automotive market, that we include it in our DealerPRO DMS.

If you would like to learn more on how a truly insightful Business Intelligence tool would support your managers and enhance your dealership, do contact us.