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An integral part of the MDS suite of products is the Data Warehouse Module. This module provides a centralised location and permanent storage space that supports variable data sources.

Complimentary to any warehouse or inventory management system, MDS - Data Warehouse is able to deliver the most powerful reporting whilst creating normalisation of data from multiple sources.

It’s this module that provides insight on various operations relating to every area of your operation: parts, vehicles, warranty, service and finance.

What are the advantages?

For your business to grow and maintain competitive advantage in the future, we understanding that you need all the information to make the smartest business decisions. With the Pentana Solutions Data Warehouse system, you are equipped with all the tools to help you make the right decision.

Businesses that take advantage of this element of our warehouse management system, which contains a complimentary business intelligence tool, will generate greater ROIs and ensure that better decisions are made by using the right data. The centralised data storage location
and common format of information in the Data Warehouse delivers business intelligence, allowing you to analyse company data, set goals and track your progress.

With fast access to the data store, your business has the capability to change the view of data and drill into the relevant information of your warehouse management system. Analysis of history and trends can also easily be generated and reported on. Data Warehouse guarantees that your business decisions can be made quickly, and are based on credible facts which are supported by the most accurate data.


Find out how to get this software implemented into your business.